Submission procedure

Submission Guidelines

Contributions may take the form of:

a panel or round table (90 minutes including questions);

a research paper (20 minutes followed by 10 minutes of questions);

an account of practical experience (20 minutes followed by 10 minutes of questions);

an interactive workshop (60-90 minutes, to be specified by the contributor).


Contributions should address one of the following strands:

Strand 1: Digital technologies in higher education: exploring innovative teaching methods

Strand 2: Corpus linguistics in language teaching for subject-specific, professional or academic purposes

Strand 3: Training for distance learning professionals


Submitting a proposal:

Please fill in the application form on the website:


Abstracts should be submitted anonymously, either in French or English, via the website. They should not exceed 300 words and should include (if applicable):

  • a title

  • a theoretical framework

  • the research methodology

  • 3 to 5 key words and the chosen strand(s)

  • a short bibliography with a maximum of 5 references (not included in the 300-word limit)


Three proposals maximum per person.

For panel proposals, please submit a general summary of the session, including titles of each of the presentations. Summaries of each presentation should be submitted separately and should indicate the title of the panel.


A selection of articles will be published.


Submit the proposal : click here

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